Why the Global Spa Summit is Important to You!

Published on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

Marti Morenings

The Global Spa Summit is an invitation only gathering of key decision makers. One of the reasons it has been such an effective organization is that they continue to keep the group very small, allowing for efficient execution on selected initiatives, which results in clear, meaningful outcomes. In other words, they’re lean and get things done! And, even though the organization is exclusive in terms of its annual gathering, it is inclusive by ensuring that everyone in the industry can benefit from their work.

In my last post, I announced the new Evidenced Based Medicine Portal for Spas and Wellness Therapies, which will soon be a resource that every spa manager, spa therapist, and even spa consumer will be able to access.  Here is a link you can access not only the industry studies that GSS has commissioned, but also a comprehensive list of spa related research which you may find helpful to your business.

The GSS is committed to transparency, and its goal is to share information so that people all over the world will benefit from every single word spoken at the annual meetings. You can find more research studies, speaker notes, video, and PowerPoints free of charge at www.globalspasummit.com as they continue to update their site.

Evidence Based Medicine Portal for Spa and Wellness Therapies

Published on Thursday, June 16th, 2011

Marti Morenings

Did you know there is hard science backing the efficacy of spa treatments? Plenty of data exists that will give you the evidence you need to show your clients the medical and healing benefits of the services you are providing to them. The Global Spa Summit has created a new tool that will make it easy for you, your staff, and even your clients to access this online data, the world’s first Evidenced Based Medicine Portal for Spa and Wellness Therapies!

With thousands of studies evaluating the benefits of treatments like massage, meditation, acupuncture, and more, this portal makes it easy to search for the most relevant and authoritative sources of the ever-mounting medical evidence that currently exists. You can select from 22 of the most popular spa treatments and view all the studies available for each treatment, or you may narrow your search to view only a few hand-selected studies.  For example, here are just a few of the studies that you can access on massage treatments:

A Single Session of Swedish Massage Therapy Produces Measurable Biological Effects

Weekly Massage Treatments at Work Significantly Reduced Employee Strain and Blood Pressure

Moderate Versus Light Pressure is Essential for Massage Therapy Benefits  

Massage Participants Exhibited Less Migraine Frequency and Better Sleep Quality

Massage Reduces Nausea in Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy

You can also take a look at the research studies/clinical trials that are currently underway–where they’re being conducted, which health conditions/issues are being investigated, and how you can even get involved.  From this link, you can view 155 studies being conducted right now on massage therapy alone.

With an increasing number of medical experts focusing on the benefits of staying healthy, more clinical trials on spa and wellness approaches are happening more today than ever before.  This incredible new tool will empower you and your staff, keeping you current on the latest evidence available.  

You can access the portal via www.globalspasummit.org at the moment.  And later, in July, you will also be able to access it via www.spaevidence.com.  In addition, feel free to link to it through your website if you wish to make it available to your visitors.  An icon for that purpose should be available soon, and you will be able to find it on the Spa Evidence website.

Cruelty-Free Beauty

Published on Monday, June 13th, 2011
Ellen Clark

Since 1968 there has been a 40% decrease in the number of animals used in biomedical research and testing in the United States. —Animal Testing Facts

There is ongoing debate concerning animal testing in the personal care industry. Some feel that it is necessary for safety and toxicology reasons, while others assert that it is archaic and abundant in unreliable scientific studies. Control Corrective Skincare Systems has never tested on animals. Our policy is firm regarding this stance. We’re members of The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program, which was created by eight national animal protection groups to promote a single comprehensive cruelty-free standard. The internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo assists personal care companies in providing solid assurance to their customers that no animal testing has been used in any phase of product development, laboratories, or suppliers. There are many reasons why a company chooses to be cruelty-free. Here are ours:

—Alternative testing is more statistically valid. Animal skin is NOT a perfect substitute for human skin.  

—We feel that no animal should suffer for anyone’s beauty.

—It’s bad science. The Food and Drug Administration reports that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests, fail in humans.

—The world doesn’t need another eyeliner, hand soap, food ingredient, or pesticide so badly that it requires the suffering of animals.

If you’re an esthetician who wants to use an effective, cruelty-free skin care line, you can rely on Control Corrective Skincare Systems to not only bring you result-driven products but also peace of mind knowing that no animals were harmed for the sake of beauty.

Current Trends and Research in the US Beauty Market

Published on Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Lisa Starr

At the recent Global Spa Summit, renowned research company Diagonal Reports presented the results of their latest research into consumers and the US beauty market, entitled “Consumers Speak About New Beauty Trends:  Are Spas Listening?  Or Are Spas Missing Out?”  Jacqueline Clarke, Research Director, delivered the presentation, which was moderated by Anna Bjurstam of Raison d’Etre.  This session was filled with facts and figures which are highly relevant, especially for marketing purposes.

Size of Shape of US Spa Market

20,000 units with estimated sales of $15.5b (2009)

77% of this number are day spas, the rest are hotel, medical, club, etc.  (This percentage applies to number of units, not revenue distribution.)

Growth for 2011 estimated at only 1.5%

89% of spas are single unit operations

Regional spa distribution mirrors that of the population; five states account for more than 36% of the number of spa units, and 10 states account for 65%.  The top 10 states for numbers of spas are as follows: CA, NY, NJ, MA, PA, FL, TX, IL, AZ, GA

86% of the spa revenue comes from service sales, and 14% from retail sales

Treatments Analysis

Top 3 treatments are massage, facial skincare, and hair removal.

Swedish massage is single most important revenue category.

Since economic downturn, consumers are most interested in “tried and true” services, not new or trendy.

Massage accounts for 50% of treatments revenues:

     — Drivers: lifestyles that create stress, no DIY alternative, easy access/availability

    — Threats: Competition, over-supply of massage therapists, consumer confusion about therapies.  Churn rate of therapists estimated at 18%.

Skincare introduces consumers to innovative technologies, techniques, and products:

     — Drivers: High value, generates spending upgrades and add-ons, wide demographic, consumers want to enhance their most visible asset, home to innovation such as “organic” or “high tech”.

     — Threats: High price, proliferating competition (drug stores, supermarkets, med spas), need consistent visits for best results.

Hair removal is considered a “must-have” service.  Although it can be low on profitability, it’s high on volume.


Current Trends

Most spas have eliminated high-priced luxury offerings from their menus.

Deep discounting practices train consumers to wait for those offers.

Consumers are focused on 1) beauty maintenance services and 2) quality of life services.

Demand currently is for smaller time frames and smaller prices, but services and products still need to deliver demonstrable results.

Businesses need to address the demand for formulations in sync with healthy and ecologically aware lifestyles.


Ongoing Business Challenges

Complexity of occupational licensing and variations from state to state.

Market is not likely to return to pre-downturn level anytime soon.

Massage therapies and waxing are “unbranded” because product companies are not specified, and spas have not created protocols or special methods to brand them. 


Most Common Consumer Complaints

Rude front of house/reception

Kept waiting

Pushy sales

Crowded space

Loud noises

Fear of personal infection (dermal contact, saunas, whirlpools, pedi baths)

Incorporating the Latest Design Trends Into Spas and Salons

Published on Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Lisa Starr

As those who work in the fashion industry know, future direction is always driven by trends.  Designers attend fabric shows to get ideas about texture and color, and a year later, we see the fruits of those labors in clothing collections.  Spas and salons also need to pay attention to trends in order to remain fresh and relevant to our customers.  At the Global Spa Summit, Emmanuelle Linard, Executive Director of Edelkoort, in NYC, presented Earth Matters – A Visual Experience of Lifestyle and Design Trends for 2012, offering a peek at what’s ahead in store design.  While it’s not likely that you will redesign your spa on an annual basis, this evocative presentation was full of wonderful visuals that sparked ideas for new services,  refreshing marketing copy, and tips on how to incorporate a few of these featured elements into your current design.  Edelkoort has 25 years of experience of partnering with major U.S. and international companies, identifying and analyzing future consumer attitudes, lifestyles, and economic trends.

Linard began by saying that after all of the recent natural catastrophes, this was a perfect time to “rebind” with nature and get inspired by the earth.  She identified 9 distinct trends, which are listed here along with the supportive concepts:


Perfect for spas, this refers to the color white, which represents spirituality, peace and calm. People today have so much noise around them; spas should create a space that allows them to go back into themselves and be peaceful.

This use of white would not be smooth but have a porous, crinkled design, reflecting its uniqueness.


Reminds people of vacation and sun and has a specific physical texture.

The sand colors are ambers, beiges, and slightly blue, and can be apparent in linens as well as candles and the texture of beauty products such as body and facial scrubs.


It refers to strength and can be used in design to create a sustainable aspect, such as buildings merging into the landscape.

The rock colors are different greys, which match well with greens.  Beyond hot stone massage, rocks or rock patterns can be used in décor or furniture.


Building under the ground offers intimacy, which is important in spa environments.

It refers to birth and inspiration and can be communicated through mugs, pottery, walls, and treatments involving soil and mud.


Reminds us of a nest or of plants and their irregularity.

This concept is expressed through the use of natural dyes and local products; the quality and authenticity of the products are important.


Is the basis of all beauty treatment and will remain important; design elements can be bubble or drop patterns, as well as the use of translucent glass.  Colors are all shades of blues, with some green and/or white.


Crystals have long been considered healing and have an impact on well-being through the mind-body connection.

The colors are whites, purples and greens; these colors can be used in décor or actual crystals can be featured in wall hangings or decorative objects and candles.


Is evocative of sensuousness and wealth, and the colors are amber and bronze tones which complement purple.

The color gold is also present in honey, the nectar of the gods, so products containing honey can also be used.


Reminds us of a sense of danger.

The colors are black, grey or purple and are most apparent in linens, floors, and makeup products.


Some of the other general design trends Linard mentioned were:

Textiles are back: it is a warm contrast with cold materials as glass or iron. The patterns on the profiles and rugs will have a role to play. The trend is toward sustainability, especially in the dying process.

Gardening is a way to connect with nature and could be an added service to the spa.

New consumers want to go to amazing places with their pets, friends, and relatives; how can we accommodate this demand?

The fathers of today are more pampering and connected with their children and will continue to grow in numbers as salon and spa clients.

Young couples do everything together; we should have unisex products and services.

Wellbeing and prevention will become the new medicine.

Inspiring Ideas from the Global Spa Summit

Published on Friday, June 3rd, 2011
Marti Morenings

The Global Spa Summit (GSS) began with rousing opening remarks by its president, Susie Ellis, as she summarized the accomplishments over the past 12 months and then asked the delegates to think about the future projects that GSS might support.  She energetically stated, “By galvanizing all 80,000+ spas around the world and an even larger wellness sector, and with the financial support of our pooled resources, imagine what we could accomplish!”  She went on to suggest some of these possibilities:

We could fund research to see, for example, what the benefits of massage are comparing weekly massages to monthly massages.

What if we declared a global spa and wellness day?  Perhaps like Earth Day–we could launch a wellness day or wellness week around the world, introducing new people to what we do.

How about if we all open up our spas to medical doctors who have never been to a spa and invited them in for a free treatment, helping introduce them to our world?

What about taking a role in the emerging trend of measuring happiness in addition to GDP (Gross Domestic Product)?  Or, we could explore how our industry might be a player in disruptive innovation?

And what about philanthropy? Should we pool our efforts and resources and encourage the adoption of a cause where we can really make a difference together?  Some have suggested the issue of clean water as a good candidate giving nod to our roots of sanitas per aqua.  Or, perhaps there is another cause we might consider.

These are just a few of the inspiring ideas that were expressed at the Global Spa Summit. I like Susie’s “dare to dream” attitude, and with the historical progress that I have seen from the GSS, the question is not “CAN it be done?” but rather “WHAT should be done?” What do you think?  Do you have any ideas about what important initiatives you think the GSS should consider in the future?

In my next post, I will share more about the exciting news that was announced at the Global Spa Summit and what it will mean to you!

Universal Companies to Offer Progressive Education at IECSC Las Vegas

Published on Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Nancy Griffin

Have you made your plans to attend IECSC Las Vegas June 18-20? The Universal Companies team will be there offering free education on a variety of spa industry topics. Plan your schedule now to make sure you don’t miss these amazing classes!

Oxidants, Antioxidants, and Skin Aging: Separating Fact from Fiction. Saturday, June 18, 9:00-11:00 am. Ada Polla, CEO of Alchimie Forever®, will discuss the role of oxygen in skin aging. She will give an overview of the different kinds of antioxidants and the best way to utilize them in your clients’ skin care regimens. There will also be a demonstration of the signature Alchimie Forever® Blueberry Facial.

Contemporary Techniques for Traditional Asian Therapies Saturday, June 18, 12:00pm-2:00 pm. Jenny Farrand will present simple, thoughtful techniques to integrate traditional Asian healing tools into your menu using Akhassa®. Participate in hands-on training with the Thai compress and learn how to use this unique tool in both body treatments and healing foot therapy  

Menus and Websites to the Rescue! Powered by Universal Companies, Inc. Saturday, June 18, and Sunday, June 19, 3:00-5:00 pm. Universal Companies Executive Vice President Alfredo Carvajal will discuss menu design and treatment overhaul, encouraging attendees to “look at your entire spa ‘value proposition’ with a fresh set of eyes.” Attendees will learn how to simplify their menus, “find the DNA of their spa”, and much more.

Menopausal Skin: Are you Addressing the Largest Demographic in Skin Care Appropriately? Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19, 12:00-1:00 pm. Join Ellen Clark, CEO and Founder of Control Corrective Skincare Systems®, as she discusses the treatment of menopausal skin. This seminar will educate attendees on the ingredients and treatment strategies required to deal with the specific changes skin undergoes during menopause. Women over 50 years old hold $19 trillion or ¾ of the nation’s wealth–don’t miss the chance to better target this incredibly important market! Learn marketing strategies and see a demonstration of Control Corrective Skincare Systems’ Anti-Aging Facial Revitalizing Cream Peel.

Innovative Techniques to Address Multi Cultural Skin Types. Monday, June 20, 9:00-11:00 am. Ellen Clark will address skin concerns related to hyperpigmentation and ethnic skin. Come learn about the unique challenges and strategies for creating noticeable long-term improvement in skin exhibiting pigmentation problems. Special marketing strategies and the most successful spa ingredients will also be covered. There will be a demonstration of the Lactic Action Peel from Control Corrective Skincare Systems®.

Prayers and Blessings at the Padmasana Temple

Published on Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Marti Morenings

The Balinese often pray as an act of worship and gratitude, and their commitment and sincerity is a beautiful thing to witness.  Most homes and businesses have temples of varying sizes so that their frequent prayer rituals can be respected.  The Padmasana Temple, located on the COMO Shambhala Estate, is primarily for employees and Hindu guests.  We were invited to join their blessing ceremony ritual which included prayers to the sun god, Surya, giving thanks for the power of light and life to the planet.  Attendees received the appropriate attire for the ceremony: sarong and sash for the women and sarong and udeng for the men. 

Kerstin Florian, Mia Kyricos, James O'Hara, Marti, Tom Johnston and Roberto Arjona


Blessings ceremony

Three Days of Luxury at COMO Shambhala Estate

Published on Friday, May 27th, 2011

Marti Morenings

I had the incredible opportunity to visit the COMO Shambhala Estate for a few days of pre-summit activities with some of the other Global Spa Summit delegates, and during this excursion, I was totally enveloped in 5 star luxury at its best.  Located just a short drive from Ubud, Bali’s cultural hub, the Estate is surrounded by jungle and the Ayung River Gorge, which flows around the perimeter of the grounds.  The spa and vitality pool are located in the center, where many of the wellness programs take place.  Long revered by locals for its healing, mineral rich properties, a sacred spring thrives on the estate grounds.  Its water is pumped into the vitality pool, heated to just the right temperature, and circulated by high pressure jets to provide an extraordinary therapeutic experience.  

I stayed in a beautiful Balinese-inspired villa with a private infinity pool and many other lovely amenities.  I also had an assistant by the name of Widi, who handled every need during my stay. At first, I wasn’t quite sure what one does with a private assistant, especially when on vacation, but Widi quickly showed me how to rely on him to take care of all of the little details so I could just let go and relax.  He coordinated my schedule to include pre-planned group events, spa treatments, estate walks, and meals. Magically, he would appear if I needed to go somewhere so that he could escort me, and he always had a cool towel or a fan ready when it was hot, or a buggy when my destination was too to walk.  After 3 days of this, I had completely forgotten how to fend for myself, so it was quite a shock to face the real world again without Widi. Not only was he one of the most conscientious and capable service professionals that I have ever met, he was also a gracious and gentle soul.  I really miss him.

Vitality pool


Inside the villa


Outside the villa

Treatment room

Widi and Marti

Yoga at Desa Seni

Published on Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Marti Morenings

One of the things I was looking forward to doing in Bali was yoga, and little did I know that I would be staying at a place that provided a serious lineup of yoga classes. 

 Desa Seni has a beautiful outdoor studio, and their reputation for outstanding yoga classes is a drawing card, not only for guests staying at the resort, but also for many of the locals coming from nearby Seminyak who pay a fee to attend.  Intermediate to advanced classes are offered from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.  My daily routine for the past several weeks has consisted of a variety of Kundalini, Ashtanga, Meditation, and Dynamic Hatha.  All were excellent, but my favorite was Hatha, partly because of the instructor, Manuela.   I could really tell she had such a love and passion for yoga, and she conveyed much wisdom in her words.  Later, I found out that she had an intensely personal connection with yoga–one of her daughters was born with a serious birth defect, and she attributes yoga to helping her achieve mobility that no one thought was possible.  Manuela’s enthusiasm and energy carried through in her classes.

 Tomorrow I will leave Desa Seni for the next phase of my Bali adventure.  I can’t say enough about this place.  From the warm and professional staff to the beautiful, lush surroundings to the delicious homegrown organic food, Desa Seni is enchanting.

Outdoor yoga studio at Desa Seni Resort

Marti with Manuela (center)