Why the Global Spa Summit is Important to You!

Marti Morenings

The Global Spa Summit is an invitation only gathering of key decision makers. One of the reasons it has been such an effective organization is that they continue to keep the group very small, allowing for efficient execution on selected initiatives, which results in clear, meaningful outcomes. In other words, they’re lean and get things done! And, even though the organization is exclusive in terms of its annual gathering, it is inclusive by ensuring that everyone in the industry can benefit from their work.

In my last post, I announced the new Evidenced Based Medicine Portal for Spas and Wellness Therapies, which will soon be a resource that every spa manager, spa therapist, and even spa consumer will be able to access.  Here is a link you can access not only the industry studies that GSS has commissioned, but also a comprehensive list of spa related research which you may find helpful to your business.

The GSS is committed to transparency, and its goal is to share information so that people all over the world will benefit from every single word spoken at the annual meetings. You can find more research studies, speaker notes, video, and PowerPoints free of charge at www.globalspasummit.com as they continue to update their site.

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