Archive for the 'Learn & Grow' Category

Marketing Ahead of the Curve: New Levers of Change

Published on August 15, 2011

If you survived the last couple of years, you may now be feeling that everything will be ok.  But unfortunately “the rising tide does not lift all boats”.  Real change has happened and our approach to marketing has to change too.   Your mature offerings are undoubtedly causing you to suffer revenue declines.  You must freshen […]

Can Gratitude Help Grow Your Business?

Published on August 13, 2011

I recently read a blog post by Les Sweeney, the President of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) called “What Do You Dream Of?”  In it, Les talks about how much more he appreciates simple pleasures, how much less he is concerned about trivial things – and how he looks forward to owning another convertible […]

Change it Up: Segue from Season to Season

Published on August 11, 2011

Are your treatments and protocols changing along with the seasons? Seasonal promotions create a level of excitement that encourages your regular clients to try something new. Smart promotions will attract new blood and encourage retail sales. Here are some suggestions: –Get creative with fall promotions that reward your current clients and also bring new clients […]

Focus on Stress Reduction This Fall

Published on August 8, 2011

Fall means back to work, back to school, and back to “the grind.” The Stress in America Survey reports 40 percent of adults lie awake at night because of stress. Smart spa operators are waking up to the opportunity of sleep wellness to add value to their treatments. Without additional expense and a little creativity, […]

Pampering to Prevention: How Doctors, Wellness Practitioners, and Spa Can Play Together Nicely

Published on August 6, 2011

There is a perfect storm brewing that bodes well for the future of forward thinking doctors, spas, and wellness practitioners. We’re finding our way through a fusion of the services and care provided by physicians, wellness practitioners, and spa operators. In order for this to occur, spas have to be more involved with preventive wellness […]

The 5 Generations That Are Affecting the Future of Your Business

Published on August 4, 2011

Now is the time many will re-process and re-direct their old thought patterns towards more purposeful, meaningful goals and outcomes.  This new mindset encompasses both giving and receiving, and is rapidly affecting business building strategies around the world.    The term “mindful consumption” refers not only to our $pending habits but also what we eat, our use of personal and environmental energy, […]

Extractions on a First Time Client

Published on August 3, 2011

There are a variety of ways to extract open/closed comedones and pustules.  It takes practice and tools that are effective in reducing any trauma to the surrounding skin tissue.  During our recent clinical study, I was performing our 02 Clear Facial on an acne-prone adult woman (32 years of age) with a typical combination of […]

3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Creating Client Newsletters

Published on July 30, 2011

I subscribe to a number of e-newsletters from spas, salons, and industry vendors; many of them are done with Constant Contact. While I really love the flexibility and ease of sending out e-mailed newsletters, I see too often these common mistakes that hurt more than help the business that is sending out the newsletter. 1. […]

Realities of Social Media

Published on July 27, 2011

The SpaExec event in Sonoma, CA featured an excellent panel entitled “realities” of social media. The panel of social media experts included Jamie Ginsberg with SpaSmart, Stacy Bergdahl of Berglon Marketing Agency, Blanca Caballero of AvantGard Spa, and Michael Martello with Demandforce. All the panelists agreed that social media has changed the marketing landscape forever. […]

Groupon Gripes

Published on July 22, 2011

Nancy Griffin Marti’s last blog post addressed the pros and cons of Groupon.  Having just returned from the Global Spa Summit, where the issue Groupon was a hot topic, Marti was curious what Universal’s customers think of this wildly popular marketing vehicle. On the positive side, the site promises to create new customers that will […]