Can Gratitude Help Grow Your Business?

Felicia Brown

I recently read a blog post by Les Sweeney, the President of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) called “What Do You Dream Of?”  In it, Les talks about how much more he appreciates simple pleasures, how much less he is concerned about trivial things – and how he looks forward to owning another convertible someday. I really appreciated the reminder to stay grounded in what’s good in my life as well as the encouragement to think about what I really want in my life and business.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I dwell on all the stuff I want to “fix” or cross off my “to-do” list and forget to focus on simply being grateful for the wonderful things in my life. But when I shift that focus to celebrate my blessings and strengths, the things I want to change either fade in importance or are easier to fix.

The same is true in business. When you focus your energy on all the things that are wrong – such as not having enough customers or having too many of the wrong employees – a negative energy flows into and through everything you do. It may be subtle, but it can be felt by your clients and staff. It even shows up in your marketing and business communications.

Yet, by focusing on the fabulous things about your business (such as the clients you do have, a convenient location or tranquil environment, a great training program for employees, unique and fun treatments, a product line you love) this positive energy can be felt throughout the business and by everyone who enters it. (Yes, I am a fan of The Secret and many other books like it.) This positive energy and focus can actually help you remember what is most important to you in your business – and give you the courage, energy and drive to achieve those things that you still want to do.

So, what are one or two things you are MOST proud of or grateful for in your business? What do your staff members tell you they enjoy most about working for you? If these are tough questions to answer, then ask your customers what they most love about coming to you and why they recommend you to others.

Start making a list that you can share with your team to get everyone excited and enthusiastic about your company. Then, continue to celebrate your strengths as a part of your ongoing marketing and motivation efforts. Recap new comments/compliments in your staff meetings, share testimonials in email newsletters, link to positive reviews on your website and social media profiles and anything else that will remind you and your staff to “accentuate the positive.”

Feel free to start the gratitude or “brag list” for your business here. And if you have something great to say about your team, be sure to share this article with them so they can read about themselves and have something else to be proud and positive about. When they feel that way, they’ll be more engaged and ready to help you and your business succeed. And that’s something to be grateful for!

Want more tips on marketing or motivating and managing your staff? Check out my pages on Facebook at,, and

2 Responses to “Can Gratitude Help Grow Your Business?”

  1. Brenda Says:

    Visit Brenda

    Wow! Thank you for reminding me. I’m grateful for all the wonderful clients I have, that I’m living my life doing something I’m passionate about, and that I work with some incredible products that really do correct the skin of my clients.


  2. Felicia Brown Says:

    Visit Felicia Brown

    Thanks for YOUR gratitude, Brenda!

    We are all so lucky to be a part of an industry where we get to make a difference in people’s lives. As a still practicing massage therapist AND consultant/educator, I feel blessed in more ways than I can count. Rarely does a day go by in which someone – be it one of my coaching clients, former students, blog/column readers or massage clients – let’s me know how I helped or inspired them.

    I love my job, I love my job, I love my job!

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