Inspiring Ideas from the Global Spa Summit

Marti Morenings

The Global Spa Summit (GSS) began with rousing opening remarks by its president, Susie Ellis, as she summarized the accomplishments over the past 12 months and then asked the delegates to think about the future projects that GSS might support.  She energetically stated, “By galvanizing all 80,000+ spas around the world and an even larger wellness sector, and with the financial support of our pooled resources, imagine what we could accomplish!”  She went on to suggest some of these possibilities:

We could fund research to see, for example, what the benefits of massage are comparing weekly massages to monthly massages.

What if we declared a global spa and wellness day?  Perhaps like Earth Day–we could launch a wellness day or wellness week around the world, introducing new people to what we do.

How about if we all open up our spas to medical doctors who have never been to a spa and invited them in for a free treatment, helping introduce them to our world?

What about taking a role in the emerging trend of measuring happiness in addition to GDP (Gross Domestic Product)?  Or, we could explore how our industry might be a player in disruptive innovation?

And what about philanthropy? Should we pool our efforts and resources and encourage the adoption of a cause where we can really make a difference together?  Some have suggested the issue of clean water as a good candidate giving nod to our roots of sanitas per aqua.  Or, perhaps there is another cause we might consider.

These are just a few of the inspiring ideas that were expressed at the Global Spa Summit. I like Susie’s “dare to dream” attitude, and with the historical progress that I have seen from the GSS, the question is not “CAN it be done?” but rather “WHAT should be done?” What do you think?  Do you have any ideas about what important initiatives you think the GSS should consider in the future?

In my next post, I will share more about the exciting news that was announced at the Global Spa Summit and what it will mean to you!

3 Responses to “Inspiring Ideas from the Global Spa Summit”

  1. Sara Jones Says:

    Visit Sara Jones

    Thanks for the information! I love the idea of a ‘World Wellness Week’, and supporting the cause of clean drinking water for all. I’d be really interested in supporting these here in Mexico via our magazine and website ‘Spa Professional Mexico’.
    Love the new Universal website, well done!

  2. Lisa Sykes Says:

    Visit Lisa Sykes

    Thank you so much, Sara!

  3. Marti Morenings Says:

    Visit Marti Morenings

    Thanks for the kind words about the new site – our Universal B2B team worked very hard to make it happen, and hearing you like it will mean so much to them. Please stay tuned regarding GSS initiatives in the future. It’s a great organization that doesn’t just talk – they execute!

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